Bing Mo presented her Master’s project at the Society For Neuroscience Annual Meeting in Chicago. Her poster, ‘Chemogenetic Inhibition of the Mesolimbic Reward Pathway Disrupts Mediated Devaluation of Cocaine Reward was well attended and she was provided great feedback for future studies.
Congratulations, Lauren! Lauren Raycraft has successfully defended her dissertation, going on to earn her PhD in June 2023. Lauren started her MSU tenure as an undergrad; in the six-plus years she spent with the AWJ lab, she in turn has taken many undergraduates under her wing and deeply involved them in her research. Lauren’s experiments […]
Congratulations, Ben! Ben Fry has long been a notable AWJ lab figure, ambitiously tackling everything from optogenetics to IHC in the service of his research into dopamine’s role in neuropsychiatric illness. Having worked tirelessly on his dissertation, which he presented in May 2022, Ben earned his PhD and is headed to the University of Central […]
Congratulations, Athanasios! Athanasios Kondilis has successfully defended his dissertation, going on to earn his PhD in September 2022. Athanasios commands a bounty of research on the GHSR receptor and its role in mediating ingestive behavior, examined through DREADD manipulation and different dietary models; he carries the added distinction of overseeing (while it existed) our lab’s […]
News / Pub - Ingestive Behavior / Pub - Neuropsychiatric Illness / Publications 2020-01-01
In: Physiology PMID: 31799907 DOI: 10.1152/physiol.00013.2019 Abstract: Ovarian hormones are associated with risk for binge eating in women. Recent animal and human studies suggest that food-related reward processing may be one set of neurobiological factors that contribute to these relationships, but additional studies are needed to confirm and extend findings.
Ben, Lauren and Nicollette presented their work at SFN’s annual meeting in Chicago. Their posters stimulated much interest and discussion. Afterwards, the lab enjoyed a celebratory meal at the Purple Pig! See you next year in DC.
Lauren Raycraft successfully defended her Masters thesis–great job! Good luck with the next steps.
Ben Fry successfully defended his Masters–good luck with your comprehensive exam!
The website creation is underway~ The Johnson Lab is proud to spread its influential research to the wider Neuroscience community through this up-and-coming website! We’ll be featuring profiles on those heading research in the lab, the papers we publish, the events we attend, and more! We hope you enjoy AWJLab.com, and make sure to check […]
The Johnson lab presented work at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior in Utrecht, Netherlands.