Archives : Events

  • AWJ Lab at SciFest 2021!

    Johnson Lab at MSU SciFest 2021 Our lab shot, produced, and presented a video at MSU Science Festival Virtual Expo, introducing the concept of Optogenetics to a youth audience of all ages! The event was held April 10th 2021 from 2:00p-2:30p, and you can access the presentation here! Below is the video portion of our […]

  • Johnson Lab presents at SFN

    Ben, Lauren and Nicollette presented their work at SFN’s annual meeting in Chicago. Their posters stimulated much interest and discussion. Afterwards, the lab enjoyed a celebratory meal at the Purple Pig! See you next year in DC.

  • Johnson lab presents at SSIB

    The Johnson lab presented work at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior in Utrecht, Netherlands.

  • Lab presents at BFLS

    Alex presented recent lab findings on the role of dopamine in ingestive behavior at the 15th Benjamin Franklin/Lafayette Seminar (BFLS) in Frejus, France. The meeting brought together ~80 scientists from diverse fields to discuss contemporary ingestive behavior research.

  • MSU Motivated Behaviors Symposium

    The Johnson Lab attended the MSU Neuroscience Program’s Motivated Behaviors Symposium, several members presenting posters alongside many other MSU students. In addition to excellent catering by Swagath Indian Cuisine, the event featured speeches by Yeka Aponte, Zachary Knight, Mitsuko Watabe-Uchida and UofM’s Terry Robinson.

  • Michigan SfN Annual Meeting

    Hosted by Western Michigan University, the Michigan Society for Neuroscience’s annual chapter meeting celebrated its 50th anniversary! Much of the Johnson lab attended, and many members presented posters, bringing our research to the attention of Michigan’s broader Neuroscience community. Besides poster presentations, a Data Blitz and several engaging speakers throughout the day, MI SfN provided […]

  • UURAF 2019

    Our lab attended MSU’s University Undergraduate Research and Arts forum, where several undergraduate members constructed posters summarizing research they’d been involved in. UURAF not only benefits the broader academic community through communicating ongoing developments in many fields; the event often provides undergrads their first experience speaking publicly about their research, nurturing their experience in communicating […]