In: Alcoholism Clinical & Experimental Research PMID: 30320886 DOI: 10.1111/acer.13905 ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Recent reviews have highlighted the potential use of blood-based methylation biomarkers as diagnostic and prognostic tools of current and future alcohol use and addiction. Due to the substantial overlap that often exists between methylation patterns across different tissues, including blood and brain, blood-based […]
Pub - Ingestive Behavior / Pub - Learning and Motivation / Publications 2018-02-01
In: Learning and Motivation PMID: 30082927 DOI: 10.1016/j.lmot.2017.07.001 Abstract: In the current study, groups of mice were trained with either short (20 s) or long (120 s) conditioned stimulus (CS) durations associated with different rates of sucrose unconditioned stimulus (US) delivery, to examine whether different behavioral forms of cue-potentiated feeding in sated mice would be […]
Pub - Ingestive Behavior / Pub - Learning and Motivation / Publications / Uncategorized 2017-07-03
In: International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience PMID: 28684308 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2017.06.012 Abstract: Ingestive behavior is controlled by multiple distinct peripheral and central physiological mechanisms that ultimately determine whether a particular food should be accepted or avoided. As rodents consume a fluid they display stereotyped rhythmic tongue movements, and by analyzing the temporal distribution of pauses of […]
In: Behavioural Brain Research PMID: 27984049 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2016.10.043 Abstract: Dopamine is known to influence motivational processes, however the precise role of this neurotransmitter remains a contentious issue. In the current study we sought to further characterize dopamine signaling in reward-based decision-making and consummatory behavior in mice, via lateral ventricle infusion of the dopamine D2 receptor […]
In: Behavioural Brain Research PMID: 26802728 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2016.01.040 Abstract: The rapid increase in obesity may be partly mediated by an increase in the exposure to cues for food. Food-paired cues play a role in food procurement and intake under conditions of satiety. The mechanism by which this occurs requires characterization, but may involve ghrelin. This […]
In: Physiology & Behavior PMID: 26048303 DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.05.037 Abstract: Exposure to environmental cues associated with food can evoke eating behavior in the absence of hunger. This capacity for reward cues to promote feeding behaviors under sated conditions can be examined in the laboratory using cue-potentiated feeding (CPF). The orexigenic neuropeptide Melanin Concentrating Hormone (MCH) is expressed […]
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PMID:23840059 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1307925110 Abstract: Guided by features of molecular, cellular, and circuit dysfunction affecting the prefrontal cortex in clinical investigations, we targeted prefrontal cortex in studies of a model for neuropsychiatric illness using transgenic mice expressing a putative dominant-negative disrupted in […]
In: Trends in Neurosciences PMID: 23333343 DOI: 10.1016/j.tins.2013.01.002 Abstract: Animals use current, past, and projected future states of the organism and the world in a finely tuned system to control ingestion. They must not only deal effectively with current nutrient deficiencies, but also manage energy resources to meet future needs, all within the constraints of […]