Lauren Raycraft successfully defended her Masters thesis–great job! Good luck with the next steps.
[evp_embed_video url=”https://www.awjlab.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Opto-CPF.m4v” width=”400″]
Ben Fry successfully defended his Masters–good luck with your comprehensive exam!
Graduate Student Janelle LeMon Janelle is a forth year graduate student in the BNS program and studies disordered eating in an individual differences model of binge eating in rats.
DO-PhD Student Athanasios Kondilis Athanasios is a DO/PhD candidate in the Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine and Cell and Molecular Biology respectively. He received bachelor’s degrees in psychology and molecular and cellular biology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His current research involves using in-vivo DREADD and optogenetic mouse studies to investigate the role of […]
Post-Doc Jenna Lee, PhD Why is it so easy and satisfying to over-eat tasty food even when we know better? My research interests lie in exploring biological and environmental factors that mediate over consumption of palatable foods. With a background in ingestive behavior from Purdue University, I continued to examine these factors by researching the […]
The website creation is underway~ The Johnson Lab is proud to spread its influential research to the wider Neuroscience community through this up-and-coming website! We’ll be featuring profiles on those heading research in the lab, the papers we publish, the events we attend, and more! We hope you enjoy AWJLab.com, and make sure to check […]
The Johnson lab presented work at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior in Utrecht, Netherlands.
Alex was elected to the Board of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB)
PI Alexander W. Johnson Current Position Associate Professor (June 2018–present) Department of Psychology, Member of Neuroscience Program and Cell and Molecular Biology Program Education and Employment History B.Sc Hons Psychology Coventry University (1999-2002) PhD Experimental Psychology Cardiff University (2002-2006) Post-doctoral Research Fellow Johns Hopkins University (2005-2009) Associate Research Scientist Johns Hopkins University (2009-2012) Assistant Professor […]