Pub - Dopamine and Learning / Pub - Neuropsychiatric Illness / Publications 2022-09-23
In: Psychological Medicine PMID: 36138518 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291722002100 Abstract: Hallucinations occur in the absence of sensory stimulation and result in vivid perceptual experiences of nonexistent events that manifest across a range of sensory modalities. Approaches from the field of experimental and cognitive psychology have leveraged the idea that associative learning experiences can evoke conditioning-induced hallucinations in […]
Congratulations, Athanasios! Athanasios Kondilis has successfully defended his dissertation, going on to earn his PhD in September 2022. Athanasios commands a bounty of research on the GHSR receptor and its role in mediating ingestive behavior, examined through DREADD manipulation and different dietary models; he carries the added distinction of overseeing (while it existed) our lab’s […]
We Return to UURAF! Victoria Fex took first place in the Neuroscience Division for her presentation on Midbrain Dopamine Projections to the Insular Cortex for DISC-1 Mice! She later remarked on how UURAF both sharpened her presenting skills, and afforded her a great opportunity to see other research going on at MSU. Kate Zapkoeski and […]
In: Current Psychiatry Reports PMID: PMC8576863 DOI: 10.1007/s11920-021-01287-z Abstract: Purpose of review: Binge eating is a transdiagnostic symptom that disproportionately affects females. Sexually dimorphic gonadal hormones (e.g., estradiol, testosterone) substantially impact eating behavior and may contribute to sex differences in binge eating. We examine recent evidence for the role of gonadal hormones in binge eating risk […]
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In: Physiology and Behavior PMID: PMC8041470 DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.113234 Abstract: The lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) is a heterogeneous brain structure extensively studied for its potent role in regulating energy balance. The anatomical and molecular diversity of the LHA permits the orchestration of responses to energy sensing cues from the brain and periphery. Two of the primary […]
Pub - Dopamine and Learning / Pub - Learning and Motivation / Publications 2021-04-29
In: Learning & Memory PMID: 33723029 DOI: 10.1101/lm.053082.120 Abstract: The dopamine system has been implicated in decision-making particularly when associated with effortful behavior. We examined acute optogenetic stimulation of dopamine cells in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) as mice engaged in an effort-based decision-making task. Tyrosine hydroxylase-Cre mice were injected with Cre-dependent ChR2 or eYFP control […]
Johnson Lab at MSU SciFest 2021 Our lab shot, produced, and presented a video at MSU Science Festival Virtual Expo, introducing the concept of Optogenetics to a youth audience of all ages! The event was held April 10th 2021 from 2:00p-2:30p, and you can access the presentation here! Below is the video portion of our […]
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Post-Baccalaureate Fabiola Sotomayorreinat Fabiola’s blurb will go here!