Bing Mo presented her Master’s project at the Society For Neuroscience Annual Meeting in Chicago. Her poster, ‘Chemogenetic Inhibition of the Mesolimbic Reward Pathway Disrupts Mediated Devaluation of Cocaine Reward was well attended and she was provided great feedback for future studies.
Pub - Dopamine and Learning / Pub - Neuropsychiatric Illness / Publications 2024-06-10
In: Behavioral Neuroscience PMID: 38934920 DOI:10.1037/bne0000580 Abstract: A growing body of literature indicates that mediated learning techniques have specific utility for tapping into reality testing in animal models of neuropsychiatric illness. In particular, recent work has shown that animal models that recapitulate various endophenotypes of schizophrenia are particularly vulnerable to impairments in reality testing when […]